Five Reasons Your Workplace Needs Dust Management Services

Five Reasons Your Workplace Needs Dust Management Services

Dust can cause serious problems in any workplace, and the workers themselves are the ones that suffer the most in dusty working environments. Improper dust management, especially in working environments where a lot of dust is produced, can lead to serious health concerns for employees – and can even cause serious damage to equipment and tools in the workplace. In this article, we describe the management of dust, list five reasons why dust is a problem in the workplace, and discuss three types of dust management services that dust-plagued organisations should consider implementing. 

What is dust management? 

This refers to practices used to control and reduce the amount of dust created by, among others, industrial and construction activities. This includes using water sprays, air filtration systems, and proper managing of dust to prevent it from becoming airborne. 

Dust management services should be in place for any company or organization that conducts activities that generate dust. This would encompass organisations such as mining, construction, manufacturing, agriculture and many others. It is also important for companies that handle dust-creating materials, such as grain elevators and bulk material handling facilities. 

5 reasons dust is a problem in the workplace 

Health hazards

Workplace dust can cause respiratory problems like asthma and chronic bronchitis, as well as other health issues like skin and eye irritation. Workers exposed to dust over a long period of time are at a higher risk of developing these health problems.

Fire hazards

Dust can accumulate and build up in a workplace, which can increase the risk of fire and explosion. Dust particles can act as fuel for a fire and can also make it difficult to see, making it harder to evacuate the building in case of an emergency.

Environmental hazards

Dust can be carried away by the wind and can cause air pollution, which can have negative impacts on the environment. Dust can also contaminate water sources, making it difficult for plants and animals to survive.

Equipment damage

Dust can accumulate on workplace equipment and machinery, which can cause them to malfunction or break down. This can be costly for the company, as repairs or replacement of the equipment may be required.

Reduced visibility

Dust can reduce visibility in the workplace, making it difficult for workers to see and navigate the area. This can lead to accidents and injuries, and can also make it difficult for workers to do their jobs effectively. 


What are dust management services? 

Dust management services refer to a range of occupational health services that are designed to help companies and organizations control and reduce the amount of dust generated by their activities. 


3 types of services to manage dust in workplaces

Dust management plans

These plans can provide valuable data on the levels of dust present in the workplace, which can help identify problem areas and inform decision-making related to managing dust more efficiently. 

Dust suppression

This involves using water sprays, foam, and other methods to prevent dust from becoming airborne. This is often used in mining, construction, and other industries where dust is created as a byproduct of the work being done.

Dust prevention

Dust prevention services can be described as measures that companies can implement to prevent dust buildup in workplaces and avoid the harmful effects of workplace dust. 


Arrange workplace dust management plans in Africa 

Apex Environmental does not provide dust suppression or dust prevention services. However, we are able to provide professional dust management plans in Africa. 

We compile these plans in accordance with the requirements of the National Dust Control Regulations (National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 2004 (Act 39 of 2004)) and to meet local authority requirements. The purpose of an Apex Environmental management plan is to adhere to the requirements from Section 6, Measures for the control of dust extracted from the National Dust Control Regulations (No. R827) (2013). 

Each dust management plan includes: 

  • All sources of dust within a workplace. 
  • Best practicable measures to mitigate dust emissions. 
  • Dust management implementation schedule. 
  • Line management responsible for implementation. 
  • Dust fallout monitoring plans  
  • Register for recording all complaints regarding dustfall, and for recording follow-up actions and responses to the complainants.  

Contact Apex Environmental today to arrange workplace dust management plans in Africa.