What is the ambient air quality monitoring procedure?
Ambient air quality monitoring is the testing and measuring of ambient air quality within workplaces. This is important for ensuring that employees are not exposed to polluted air that could be hazardous to their health and wellbeing. Establishing an ambient air quality monitoring is effortless when relying on leading industry testing technologies like the internationally trusted Radiello™ radial diffusive samplers. This article hopes to answer the question: what is the ambient air quality monitoring procedure?
- Installation of radial symmetry diffuse samplers
Air quality sampling devices, like the Radial Diffusive Samplers from Radiello™, are designed to accumulate a sample of the particles present in the air. Installed permanently or carried on one’s person, these diffuse samplers require no energy, do not involve the use of pumps, do not require surveillance, produce no noise, and are suitable for flammable or explosive environments.
- Collection of samples over a time period
Air quality samplers require some time to collect samples from the air. The diffusive surface is cylindrical rather than flat, and the adsorbent material is contained within a coaxial cylindrical system. Radial samplers can be worn by employees or fixed to a location with an optional protective box. Once the sampler is exposed to the air, the start date and time should be recorded.
- Shipping of collected samples to testing lab
How long should ambient air quality monitoring devices stay up for? That depends on your preferred air monitoring provider. Radiello™ Radial Diffusive Samplers remain deployed for seven days. Once the time has lapsed, diffusive samplers are collected, and the date and time are recorded. Then, the samples are shipped to a laboratory and will undergo testing.
- Production of a workplace air quality report
A final step in the air quality monitoring procedure is the development of an air quality report. This is a document outlining the lab findings, and indicating the health of the air in your workplace. A workplace air quality report is important to determine if your workplace adheres to the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004, SA standards (SANS 1929:2005) and other standards or limits.
Easily arrange workplace air quality monitoring through Apex Environmental, specialists in occupational hygiene, environmental monitoring and risk assessments, and noise risk assessments. We also provide OHST Training and environmental monitoring equipment sales.
You can quickly and effortlessly improve occupational health for employee welfare and business growth. Get started on your journey to creating a safe working environment with risk assessments and staff occupational health training.
Apex Environmental is SANAS 17020 Accredited and a Department of Employment and Labour Approved Inspection Authority.